Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The World This Week

 This Week, Confuseus says:  Well now, little lamb, you are really in some deep shit now son! Would you like to know how you got here? Think back to 2016 and the first meeting between your current opponent and the newly elected President Donald Trump. You are now a victim of the plan made at that time. Had it not been for the Covid pandemic Trump would have probably won and your cause would be a lost one. However, by the same token had the West not stirred up shit in Belarus your opponent, Little Bear, would have waited for the results of the upcoming midterms to see how the Trumpians of the Republican party fared and if it looked good for his inside man in 2024? We will never know now.

  This is the stark reality of your situation son. You have two choices, neither good. Strike a deal, give him Crimea and his two separatist enclaves. Explain to him that he has already de-militarized you. If you choose to stay and govern the Israelis will provide your security, however even their expertise may not be enough, so if they tell you to leave and come home with your family to Israel then do so! You can set up a Government in Exile there.


  You can disappear into the countryside and conduct an insurgency, always keeping in mind that at this point in both space and time you are far more valuable to your people a living leader than a dead martyr.     

                                            PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                            Have a Nice Day.


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