Thursday, March 10, 2022

The World This Week

                                               Aleph=0 The Fool

                         Numerical value eleven? Nonsense! 0 = -1+1

The hieroglyphic figure pictured looks a lot like your current Mayor of Kyiv does it not? As such, his first task is to create a magical shield around his city. Too do this he must draw a Pentacle on each of the four main compass points around the city, these being as close to equal distance from each other as can be. The top of  each Pentacle must point inwards, and above each a letter must be drawn, one atop each pentacle, facing outwards towards your enemies, these 4 letters being   L I F E. The pentacles are to be drawn on the ground, scratched into the earth or painted on pavement, the letters with menstrual blood. I trust you shall have no problem finding female volunteers for this.

                                          Are we having fun yet?

                                              Pictures at 6 & l l

                                              HAVE A NICE DAY!

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