Monday, February 28, 2022

The World This Week

   This Week, Confuseus says:

   A great whore to the West, a great beast to the East, and a sacrificial lamb now stuck in the middle with me. Oh joy, this should be fun!

  The successful candidate, scheduled to begin his ritualistic ordeal on the 11th (Book of Thoth, Key Scale) will spend the next 10 days browsing through Psalm 119 of my book, where he will find two lines, each under separate Hebrew letters, which will help him in knowing how to perform said ritual, each letter individually for 22 days ending on April 01. Also, two letters, and only these two letters, need to be interchanged, these being Lamed and Teth, ie; cheth, lamed, jod, caph, teth. Crowley's obsession with the letter tzaddi was a purposeful distraction used to conceal the obvious, after all, The Book of Thoth is his book, of which he is the author, just as the Book of Psalms is mine.

                                          PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                          Have a Nice Day.

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