Saturday, February 26, 2022

The World This Week

                                    A JOKE FOR THE COMEDIAN


                                   THE FIRST TASK OF THE LAMB

  This Week, Confuseus says:

  What two words are guarantied to strike fear in the heart of any Atheist?

                                                  IT'S BIBLICAL!



  The successful candidate will need to find an original copy of  "The Magical record of the Beast 666" by Aleister Crowley (Duckworth Publishing). Said book will contain 3 distinct chapters. The seven seals you seek are to be found in The Comment on pg. 315 of Chapter 3 entitled Liber al vel Legis aka The Book of the Law. Remove said page and burn it, swearing an oath to fight the Beast.

Note: You will soon need a copy of  the Bible, specifically a King James version 1611 edition, as well as a copy of The Book of Thoth by Crowley. It would also prove to be both wise and prudent not to get yourself killed before we meet.

P.S.: Do not be deceived by Babylon the Great and her resurrected Roman whoredom in the current form of the EU, for the golden cup from which she drinks and is made drunk is filled with the blood of the saints. Can you guess what role she has you and your people playing in this blasphemous shitshow?

                                           PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                           Have a Nice Day.


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