Friday, June 17, 2022

The World According to Confuseus

  This Week. my plan to have the Israeli's send some rabbinical scholars to Ukraine in hopes of schooling my servant on the historical folly suffered by the Jewish people whenever they have chosen to make their beds with the Roman empire, be it the destruction of their temple, a mass suicide at Masada, or the death of the rightful heir to the Royal House precipitated by the religious Pharisees of the time was thwarted by Babylon the Greats head-spinning Pavlovian response to my previous blog, turning her once sacrificial lamb whom I delivered from evil for mine own glory into a golden calf worshipped by 1,2,3,4 of her G7 leaders.

  Despite having shown my servant a clear path to victory for both himself and his people he has chosen to rebuke my wisdom for the promises of  "total restoration" put forth by the Great Whore and her kings. This is terrible news for the children of Israel, who must now watch as a war in Europe that could have easily been resolved shall slowly mutate and migrate its way to their back door upon the plains of El Megiddo.

                                         PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                         Have a Nice Day. 


Friday, June 10, 2022

Joke of the Week

                                             NOT NOW JOHN

                                          PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                             Have a Nice Day


Thursday, June 9, 2022

The World According to Confuseus

   This Week, on MAD TV's ongoing production of  "VLAD vs. VLOD", the Russian has roughly half a million Ukrainian citizens that Vlod wants while the Ukrainian continues to fight for the two territories that Vlad wants, and while one would normally claim that the solution is not rocket science, according to Babylon the Great and her kings that is exactly what it now is,

                                             PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                             Have a Nice Day.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

The World According to Confuseus

  This Week, despite a racially motivated slaughter in Buffalo last week followed up by a similar event earlier this week in Uvalde, Texas, The NRA held their annual convention in Houston on Friday spouting the same old tired shit of "guns don't kill people, people kill people". Sadly, they are correct!

  Like all the people whose greed is so great that they are not satisfied with the manufacture and sale of their weapons to both the military and law enforcement as well as the public's need for both sport and personal protection, these being hunting rifles and handguns. These are the kind of people who kill people.

  Then there is the greed of the politicians and lawmakers found in the halls of power having their palms greased while they gladly sell their souls to the gun lobbyists and their seemingly endless supply of the American greenback. These are also the kind of people who kill people.

  And while the NRA themselves are a given, there is a new and rather insidious group who use the internet and social media to incite racial division and unrest with fake conspiracy theories and constant disinformation delivered daily to the young and gullible. These are the people who kill people.

  The kid who pulls the trigger? They are the pawn. The gun that they use? That is the tool made available and thus given unto them by all the people who kill people!  

  Meanwhile, over in Europe. the French and German leaders began a full court press on Putin while the Italians showed how logical and accommodating they can be when you have as much skin in the game as they do. But alas it appears the Yanks and the Brits have convinced my servant he can win and get back all of the territory in dispute. Together with Babylon the Great and her kings the West has decided to fight the Russian menace to the very last Ukrainian!

  So here now is a little wake-up call to Babylon the Greats sacrificial lamb whom I have turned into a Lion. Crimea? Not a chance. The territories? Perhaps, but why would you want them? Then there is the elephant in the room, your Achilles heel, this being your nuclear power plants and the opportunity they represent for the Russians to use what is referred to as "plausible deniability". This is when a single or several missiles from fighting elsewhere in the country inexplicably find their way to one of your facilities causing a meltdown.

  Furthermore, since I am still the Master in this relationship you had best inform your two new best friends the great Roman Emperor say it ain't so Joe and Boris the Brit that your victory had better materialize before the American mid-terms in November, lest the Trumpians of the Republican party gain control of both house and senate! 

                                              PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                              Have a Nice Day.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Joke of the Week

  This Week, having complained vehemently for over a decade about NATO expansionist policy in Eastern Europe, Russian President Vladimir Putin received bad news regarding two formerly neutral countries now seeking NATO membership. With the total number of countries that have joined NATO since 1991 currently numbering 18, the same number as the biblical chapter describing Babylon the Greats future demise, when asked what he thought had brought about the current change of heart in his countries population the Swedish FM stated that it was due to the current aggressive expansionist policy of an Imperialist Russia!

                                                  PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                                  Have a Nice Day.  

Friday, April 15, 2022

The World This Week

  This Week, when asked what he thought about the current state of the world on this, Good Friday, Confuseus replied:

  Good Friday? For Who?  It sure as shit was not a good Friday for Jesus as he died slowly hanging upon that cross, apparently in payment for the sins of the very same people who when asked who they would like to see released to walk among them chose the murderer over the religious rebel!

  Nor do I think it has been a very good Friday for the young Jewish leader currently hunkered down in his capitol wondering if or when he might be gassed or nuked. Before him to the East are liars and murderers while to the West are idolaters and whoremongers, whom today shall gladly get upon theirs knees to worship the works of their own hands while praying to idols and graven images that cannot see, walk, or talk, let alone save anyone, they or him.

  Therefore in response to the original query of what I think about the current state of the world on this particular Good Friday my response is:

                                NOT FUCKING MUCH! 

                                PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                Have a Nice Day. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

The World This Week

                             A SHORT ESSAY ON THE FOLLY OF

                            FEEBLE INSTITUTIONS AT THE END

                                      OF THE PISCEAN AGE


                             THE BOY WHO CRIED WAR CRIMINAL

LESSON: Do not accuse the leader of  any nation of war crimes until they are already in custody or have become easily accessible. Think it, feel it, know it, then remain silent.

CASE IN POINT:  Syrian President Bashir Al Assad, aka Mr. Chicken


                                           PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                           Have a Nice Day