Friday, June 17, 2022

The World According to Confuseus

  This Week. my plan to have the Israeli's send some rabbinical scholars to Ukraine in hopes of schooling my servant on the historical folly suffered by the Jewish people whenever they have chosen to make their beds with the Roman empire, be it the destruction of their temple, a mass suicide at Masada, or the death of the rightful heir to the Royal House precipitated by the religious Pharisees of the time was thwarted by Babylon the Greats head-spinning Pavlovian response to my previous blog, turning her once sacrificial lamb whom I delivered from evil for mine own glory into a golden calf worshipped by 1,2,3,4 of her G7 leaders.

  Despite having shown my servant a clear path to victory for both himself and his people he has chosen to rebuke my wisdom for the promises of  "total restoration" put forth by the Great Whore and her kings. This is terrible news for the children of Israel, who must now watch as a war in Europe that could have easily been resolved shall slowly mutate and migrate its way to their back door upon the plains of El Megiddo.

                                         PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                         Have a Nice Day. 


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