Sunday, May 29, 2022

The World According to Confuseus

  This Week, despite a racially motivated slaughter in Buffalo last week followed up by a similar event earlier this week in Uvalde, Texas, The NRA held their annual convention in Houston on Friday spouting the same old tired shit of "guns don't kill people, people kill people". Sadly, they are correct!

  Like all the people whose greed is so great that they are not satisfied with the manufacture and sale of their weapons to both the military and law enforcement as well as the public's need for both sport and personal protection, these being hunting rifles and handguns. These are the kind of people who kill people.

  Then there is the greed of the politicians and lawmakers found in the halls of power having their palms greased while they gladly sell their souls to the gun lobbyists and their seemingly endless supply of the American greenback. These are also the kind of people who kill people.

  And while the NRA themselves are a given, there is a new and rather insidious group who use the internet and social media to incite racial division and unrest with fake conspiracy theories and constant disinformation delivered daily to the young and gullible. These are the people who kill people.

  The kid who pulls the trigger? They are the pawn. The gun that they use? That is the tool made available and thus given unto them by all the people who kill people!  

  Meanwhile, over in Europe. the French and German leaders began a full court press on Putin while the Italians showed how logical and accommodating they can be when you have as much skin in the game as they do. But alas it appears the Yanks and the Brits have convinced my servant he can win and get back all of the territory in dispute. Together with Babylon the Great and her kings the West has decided to fight the Russian menace to the very last Ukrainian!

  So here now is a little wake-up call to Babylon the Greats sacrificial lamb whom I have turned into a Lion. Crimea? Not a chance. The territories? Perhaps, but why would you want them? Then there is the elephant in the room, your Achilles heel, this being your nuclear power plants and the opportunity they represent for the Russians to use what is referred to as "plausible deniability". This is when a single or several missiles from fighting elsewhere in the country inexplicably find their way to one of your facilities causing a meltdown.

  Furthermore, since I am still the Master in this relationship you had best inform your two new best friends the great Roman Emperor say it ain't so Joe and Boris the Brit that your victory had better materialize before the American mid-terms in November, lest the Trumpians of the Republican party gain control of both house and senate! 

                                              PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                              Have a Nice Day.

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