Friday, April 15, 2022

The World This Week

  This Week, when asked what he thought about the current state of the world on this, Good Friday, Confuseus replied:

  Good Friday? For Who?  It sure as shit was not a good Friday for Jesus as he died slowly hanging upon that cross, apparently in payment for the sins of the very same people who when asked who they would like to see released to walk among them chose the murderer over the religious rebel!

  Nor do I think it has been a very good Friday for the young Jewish leader currently hunkered down in his capitol wondering if or when he might be gassed or nuked. Before him to the East are liars and murderers while to the West are idolaters and whoremongers, whom today shall gladly get upon theirs knees to worship the works of their own hands while praying to idols and graven images that cannot see, walk, or talk, let alone save anyone, they or him.

  Therefore in response to the original query of what I think about the current state of the world on this particular Good Friday my response is:

                                NOT FUCKING MUCH! 

                                PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                Have a Nice Day. 

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