Saturday, January 1, 2022

Year of the Kabbalistic Zero


  Another Christmas come and gone, an event originally meant to celebrate the birth of a man whose historical claim to fame was having been put to death by the Romans for kicking out all the moneychangers in what he claimed was his fathers holy place, now celebrated around the world in what can only be described as the biggest consumer driven event of the year, an event that is now all about money, and on a global scale no less! This alone indicates you have evolved into a species too stupid to survive the future, thereby substantiating little sisters fears.


                                THE KABBALISTIC ZERO

  It is to be understood that neither the Kabbalists nor the Alchemists of the dark and Medieval times were mathematicians, as they were not. They were Mystics. As such they left zero undefined so that they might stick it anywhere in a numerical sequence, beginning or end, much like the joker in a pack of playing cards becomes the wild card if needed. This is a very important fact needed to understand the last 22 chapters of  the Judeo-Christian good book since it was compiled during Medieval times, the most accurate of which being the King James Version of 1611.


  This is the current mathematical equation used by both Kabbalists and Occultists to express the sum total energy of the universe, known as Sakti or Shakti.

                                THIS IS MY VERSION

            0 (defined as infinite space) = Matter in Motion,

            the measurement of which is commonly referred to

                                         as Time.

                            Welcome to Life in 3D


  Ever wonder why an end of days Judeo-Christian prophecy of 22 chapters whose focus appears to be future events in Europe and in particular Jerusalem and the Middle East opens with a dire warning to Christian holdings in Asia? 

                                  COMING SOON

                          Beware the Ides of March


          A short essay on how to enter March a Lamb 

                                 and exit a Lion 


                         TO BE FOLLOWED BY:

                    Greta sits in the lap of the Gods


     How do you say blah, blah, blah, in Hieroglyphics?

                         PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                         Have a Nice Day.

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