Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The World This Week

   This Week, when asked by a group of retarded Romans what he

thought they should do about the recent Russian military buildup 

along the Ukrainian border, Confuseus replied:

  Having delivered your worthless asses and miserable souls from

the evil of  an East-West nuclear exchange in the fall of 1984 only

to be imprisoned, robbed blind then put on the streets in the middle

of winter to die, suffice it to say that if you and yours once again

find yourselves at odds with the Russian bear I suggest you all go

ask your Biblical mother about it, after which you can all go fuck yourselves!

                                 COMING SOON

               Riding the Communist China Carousel


                    Imitations Won't Do Dummy!

                             PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                                Have a Nice Day.



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