Sunday, April 3, 2022

The World This Week

                                  CHAPTER III UPDATE

RUSSIA:  Currently morally, intellectually and soon to be

                  economically bankrupt, now a political pariah

                  with few allies.

ASSESSMENT:  Not a winner.

UKRAINE:  While in firm possession of the moral high

                     ground many cities are in ruin, infrastructure

                     damaged, population fleeing or displaced not

                     to mention still being occupied & terrorized.

ASSESSMENT:  Not a winner.

E.U./NATO:  With the only real threat to its resurrected 

                       Roman empire now severely weakened and

                       preoccupied by the fierceness of Babylon the

                       Greats sacrificial lamb turned lion and his

                       people, not to mention the thorny issues of 

                       E.U. and Nato membership being shelved

                       for the time being all the while bringing unity

                       to current members whose future security is

                       dependent upon such.

ASSESSMENT:  Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner?

Dear Klit brothers: How is that shield working out for you boys? 

                               Seen any UFO's lately?

                              PICTURES AT 6 & l l

                              Have a Nice Day. 


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